There are various types of qualitative research, as well as quantitative research. When conducting research in the field of public health, it is important to determine the method or type of research to be used.
The type or method of quantitative research focuses more on numerical data with certain measuring instruments or instruments, while qualitative methods aim to describe analytical data in a narrative manner.
These are the types of qualitative research in public health:

1. Phenomenology
Phenomenology is a type of result-oriented research to explore information by looking for meaning, essentially. In simple terms, it can also be define as an effort to find experiences that exist in the life of the object of research.
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This phenomenological research requires researchers to explore the meaning of the theme raised by the researcher, based on experience or things that happen in the field using the observation method or it can also use the in-depth interview method.
2. Case Study
A case study is a type of research that focuses on examining the background, interactions and conditions of a particular community.
The form of this case study is actually more suitable for researching an event, activity, or program in a particular group of individuals.
The advantage of this type of research is that it can be used to examine objects in the form of groups. As long as the group has the same goal. The data collection technique in the case study can use observation techniques, documentary studies and can also use interview techniques.
3. Grounded Theory
This theory is more often used for research cases that want to strengthen the basis of an existing theory. As for the stages that you have to prepare, you must be able to sort out which phenomena can be associated with core phenomena and which are not.
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Data collection techniques on grounded theory can use field studies, comparisons, observations. These can also look at situations that have been based on an assessment.
4. Ethnography
This type of ethnographic qualitative research use to examine the culture, language, behavior or communication of a society. So, if you are going to research culture, language or social, you can use this type of research.
This type of research method is more often for research that wants to know the function of language in a particular culture of society.
As for those who use ethnography to research social interactions, beliefs held in a group or simply want to research about ways of life.