Health content approach is important in media preparation. Health media is a tool to convey health information to the public. Along with the times, the types of media are increasingly diverse.
Starting from print media, electronic media to social media which are the main sources of information nowadays. Health institute see the opportunities in social media and then use it as the tools for disseminating information.
From print media such as posters, leaflets and pamphlets to electronic media such as videos, several things need to be considered for preparation. One of them is the type of message content approach.

The approach can be used to develop the content of the health messages are:
1. Health content approach using Moral Type
This type of approach aims to give the right message to the community. The contents of the message with this approach is typically used to provide information about social issues.
2. Contents with Emotional Approach
This type uses statements or language that gives a feeling of sadness, affection and emotion. Usually assisted by using illustrations that show the person’s facial expressions.
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3. Humor Approach
These humorous approach gives a funny impression but does not reduce people’s understanding. This type is believed as an effective method because it is favored by many targets.
4. Health content approach with Rational Type
This model provides rational and reasonable statements with logical statements. Media with this type of message content usually uses the results of research or empirical studies as reference material.
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5. Content with Guilty Approach
This type of message content also aims to touch the emotions of the target. These type give a feeling of guilt for an unhealthy behavior that can have a bad impact for himself and also to the family.
6. Contents with Fear Approach
Similar to the approach of guilt, for fear of touching this target. The content of the message sometimes scares the public a little bit about the bad things that can happen to her/him.
Also read: Health Advocacy: Communication Strategies and Techniques
Notes from DeveHealth:
When composing a media, you should consider the appropriate approach in accordance with the objectives and content of the message to be conveyed. A good message is when you can touch the minds and feelings of the reader or targets..