SMART Method for Setting Goals and Targets

SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and timebound. This method is often used when setting goals.

In compiling the program, of course there are objectives to be achieved. These goals should also be followed by targets or indicators to measure achievement.

This SMART method is one of the ways that a program has a directional goal. One of the P-Process planning frameworks applies this.

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How to set goals that meet the rules of SMART?

  1. Specific. At this point, you should define detailed and specific goals and targets.
  2. Measurable This means that when making goals, they must be measurable. When the program is running, it can be seen the progress towards achieving the goals.
  3. Achievable. This point gives the message that the goal must be attainable. Avoid making goals so too difficult to achieve that they seem impossible.
  4. Realistic. The goals must be reasonable and rational.
  5. Time-Bound. When planning the program, of course there is a set deadline. This time limit encourages the implementation of focus on achieving goals.

The following are examples of objectives that meet SMART principles in public health programs:

“In June 2020 as many as 80% of the elderly in ABC District experienced increased knowledge about the benefits of the Covid-19 Vaccine”

“Increase the number of family planning participants in the XYZ Village area by 50% within 6 months until the end of 2021”

Based on these examples, it can be seen that the goals or the objectives explained specifically by the location and who are the targets. Then the goals can be measure and realistic, and has a time-bound or time limit.

Also read: Community Empowerment in Public Health

Notes from DeveHealth:

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timebound. This rule is best applied when setting goals to make them more measurable and easy to evaluate.

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