Health communication is key strategy in public health promotion to inform the public about health concerns or issues.
Communication is defined as the process of operating stimuli in the form of language or motion (nonverbal) to influence the knowledge, attitude and also the behavior.
In general, communication is exchange of information, between individuals, for example conversations, writing, or using symbols and generally accepted behavior (Schiavo, 2014).
In its application, communication has several important elements. These elements are needed so that communication runs smoothly.
Elements in Health Communication

Health communication is a process for the development and diffusion of messages to specific audiences in order to influence their knowledge, attitudes and beliefs in favor of healthy behavioral choices” (Exchange, 2006; Smith and Hornik, 1999).
The process of communication will be effective if there are elements such as the communicator as a messenger, communicant or recipient of the message, the message itself as well as the channel or medium used as a means of delivering a message (Soekidjo, 2012).
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- Communicators, namely people who sent the messages or information to others (target communication)
- The communicant is a person who receives messages or information from the communicator
- Message is the information that will be inform by the communicator to the target group or the communicant
- Channels are the media to deliver the messages / information to the communicants (called Communication Channels)
- Feedback is the response from the communicant after receiving a message or information from the communicator
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Notes from DeveHealth:
The main elements in health communication are communicators and communicants. The media is also an important element in order to facilitate the delivery of information to the target group.
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